kaleidoskop im nebel: on compressions & rarefactions

This is a work-in-progress performed at Zagreb Dance Center as part of the conference Construction of Perspective: New Choreographic Practices. Focusing on the study of movement, it explores several choreographic ideas and decisions developed in collaboration with the dancers. It experiments with the stability and fluidity of the choreographic material, drawing from Kenneth Kirchner’s music while evolving toward the structure of Vinko Globokar’s composition. In the oscillatory choreographic wave, the sound composition is a mediator, intercessor, and an agent of structure, while spatial resistances of the dance studio offer patterns and memory to the process. The dance builds itself forward upon the music and fractures into its own specific architecture. Movements swell and are swept away, become visible or invisible, and are then assembled into structure which can begin at any point and end in any silence.

Duration: 30 minutes / Choreography and Concept: Marjana Krajač / Danced by: Lana Hosni, Irena Mikec, and Sara Piljek / Technical Director: Duško Richtermoc / Music: Kenneth Kirschner, Compressions & Rarefactions / Production: Sodaberg koreografski laboratorij / Realized with the support of Croatian Institute for Movement and Dance, Zagreb Dance Center, and the conference Construction of Perspective: New Choreographic Practices / Commissioned by Cantus Ensemble for Contemporary Music. / Performed on March 19, 2016 at Zagreb Dance Center. /